The Corner House Day Nursery is committed to ensuring that all children regardless of sex, race, ability or religious beliefs are provided with an environment where they can develop as individuals with positive images of themselves and others. All cultures will be given equal respect and acknowledgement.
It is our aim to provide the best possible education and loving care for children within a warm and stimulating environment. It is important that each child be given the opportunity and encouragement to develop to their full potential, as a total human being with physical, emotional and mental needs all bound up with each other.
Great efforts have been made to provide a full range of activities and experiences so that no aspect of the children’s’ development is neglected. The nursery operating under a policy of equal opportunities for all children has ensured that the toys, equipment, meals and staff reflect this ethos.
It is the objective of the nursery that your child is cared for and educated to the highest standard in what are her/his most formative years. But most of all, we want your child to feel happy at the Corner House enabling your peace of mind.
The ethos of the Corner House is to be the best and reflects the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
It is our intention that these values determine how young children grow and develop in an age appropriate way.